Friday, July 23, 2010

week 6 - Juxtaposition 2

This post is related to the post before.

juxtaposing is to place 2 random things together. Then, your brain will start to figure out the difference and similarity of the 2 things.

Our brain will identify the more similar thing than the unfamiliar one. This when metaphor and simile happens.


Metaphor- 2 different things which are linked by some similarity.

Similes - like , look alike



We place a circle and a box next to each other. What will we think ?

We will think they are linked together or share same similarity. Our brain will think that both are shapes .


So, juxtaposition is a thinking we use in our daily life. Most of us don't notice it because we are used to it. Juxtaposition is good for the brain as they makes the brain thinks , differentiate and identify.

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