Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WEEK 3 -Method of Creative Thinking and stereotype


Creativity is a divergent thinking process followed by convergent thinking. No body is good at both. Its either good at divergent or convergent.

Divergent thinking

a process where we generate ideas and explore the possible solutions. It is like taking one thing an turn it into many things.

For example, when we get an idea, we( the divergent thinker) will think about many possibilities and solutions. We then will gather ideas and solutions to solve the idea. Many people used as a method of brainstorming as it really get things solved.

Convergent thinking

a process where all possibilities and ideas becomes a solution. It is like taking everything we got and turn it into something great. We can see that convergent thinking is the opposite of divergent thinking.


Stereotype is a very common thing in humans. It is a believe towards a group of people wether its negative or positive. Stereotype is cause by the media. By simply watching the media, we believe and judge someone according what we learn or see from media. There are good and bad stereotypes. But most of them are negative and insulting.

This is why stereotype can easily influence and change a personal's perception or view against or towards someone. For example, what does people first say if they saw a girl that dye her hair red ? I think the first thing that come in their mind is, she's a spoiled girl or she's a gangster.

I must say that we shouldn't stereotype on others, unless we really know that person. I think this is how humans judge someone's personal or look, with stereotype.


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